
ショッピングモール Hanging Out at the Mall


William and I went to the mall this morning. I had to take my camera lens in to the camera shop. And of course we had to stay at the mall to climb up and down the escalators for a while. In this picture, William was having a break, eating cheese crackers. Yeah we even bring snacks and juice whenever we go to the mall. :)


I made chicken Enchilada for dinner tonight. This was the first time I made it since we got married. I don't know why I had never made it before. It was yummy and I'll definitely make it again.

ところで!なんとウィリアムが来週からプリスクール(3,4歳児の幼稚園)に行けるようになりました!申し込んであったところやほとんどのところはおむつが取れていないとダメなんだけれど,友達の友達が個人でやっているプリスクールで,おむつとれてなくてもいいって言うので,来週から行きます!月・水の午前中で,一回1時間半と短いけれど行かないよりまし。来週月曜日はこちらが祝日(Labor Day)でお休みなので来週水曜からです。これで月・水はプリスクール,火・木はYMCAの幼児教育プログラムに参加するので忙しくなりそうですが,ウィリアムが毎日何かしら学べる機会があるのでうれしいです!

By the way, I have great news! William gets to go preschool starting next week!!! My Japanese friend told me about this preschool her daughter just started going to, and they would take kids with diapers, so yeah William gets to go! It's M/W 9:30 -11:00 for $60/m. Pretty good deal. I'm very excited that William gets to go to preschool and also to the readiness program at the library this year so that he has the opportunity to go out and learn with other kids.  

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