寿司! Sushi!!
今日は夕飯に餃子を作ったのですが,日本人の友達のみどりちゃんと旦那さんのネイトが外食して寿司を食べに行って食べきれなかったので食べてくれないかという超ぜいたくなお願いをされて,もちろん喜んでオッケーしました。超テンション上がりました!とってもおいしくて,これだけおいしい寿司が食べれれば,ボイシでも頑張ってやっていける!と思いました。苦笑 ちなみに自分が作った餃子は寿司がおいしすぎてしょぼい感じになってしまいました。
My Japanese friend Midori and her husband Nate went out for dinner at a sushi restaurant tonight, and they brought us some sushi leftover because they couldn't eat anymore. I was on cloud nine. The sushi was so good and it felt like I was eating the right food. lol I cooked gyoza (pot stickers) for dinner but it didn't taste nearly as good as the sushi.
William's fever came down quite bit today, but I don't think he was feeling all that great since he whined a lot! I got so frustrated and wasn't all that nice to him. I need to be more kind. :(
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