
超かわいいベビー服 Super Cute Baby Clothes

わたしのBYU時代の友達で同じころに子供が生まれる予定の友達が,少し前に送ってくれたベビー服♪ 普通のプレーンなベビー服にネクタイの形の布を縫ってあるんです。すごいかわいいでしょ~。絶対これ着せて教会に行くんだ☆

One of my friend from BYU who is also having her baby boy about the same time as I am sent me these baby clothes the other week. She bought plain baby clothes and sewed a tie shaped fabric onto each one. Aren't they super cute?! My baby will definitely be wearing them to church!

2 件のコメント:

yuki さんのコメント...


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