
父の日 Father's Day

It was Father's Day today.

I'm grateful for my father who raised me, and my father-in-law who has been really nice to me (he has had problems with his disks and has been lying down on the reclining chair most of the time for the last several days), and of course I'm grateful for Brian who is a wonderful father to William.

For my father, I ordered some Chinese food online and had them shipped to him. That's like the only thing I can do from here, but hope he knows how much I appreciate him.

For my father-in-law, we gave him a book with a sunglasses to see total solar eclipse, and homemade chocolate bread. For Brian, William and I gave him a card (William drew pictures and wrote some message), t-shirt and a pair of shorts, and homemade key lime pie. For brothers-in-law, I gave them peanut butter cookies.

Key lime pie...almost gone. lol

Since it was Sunday, we got together with Brian's family and had family dinner. Kids (cousins) were happily playing together. William didn't go home when we had to leave, and was screaming and crying. He must have had a great time. 

As we went out to get into our car, we found a quail family was all under our car! You can't see in this picture, but there are 15 babies and they are all so tiny and cute! After a while, they finally headed towards their nest (well, more like we made them go away, ha ha). Whew.

Can you see the baby (a tiny dot)?

2 件のコメント:

陽子 さんのコメント...

たまたま昨日私宛の郵便物が実家に届いたみたいで、お父さんからメールが来たんだけど、その返事に、「ハンバーグと飲茶はどうだった?」って聞いたら、「バーグ VS ヤム、どっちもどっちかな WWW 少し食べてあとは冷凍庫で春まで冬眠かも?こちらはいまホットケーキがはやってます!朝からナイフとフォークでムシャムシャ。」って。笑

mikeeks さんのコメント...

お父さん相変わらずだね。苦笑 松坂牛のハンバーグおいしそう~!それも飲茶も両方食べたい。