
プラネタリウム Planetarium

Today we went to another park to play with a new friend. I don't have a picture of them playing together again, so here is a picture of William and the park.

During the summer break, many parks in the valley give away free lunches to kids. Today William received a free lunch for the first time for the year, but as I expected, he didn't eat anything but the snacks and chocolate milk (the menu was turkey sandwich, celery sticks, watermelon, goldfish, and chocolate milk).

公園からその足で図書館(Victory Library)のプラネタリウムのイベントに参加しました。即席ドームの中に入って星座についていろいろ学びました。ほんとのプラネタリウムと比べたらそれはちゃちぃけど,特に子供たちにとっては新鮮でわくわくする経験になったと思います。
After the park, we went over to the Victory library (community library) for a planetarium event. We got to sit inside an inflatable dome and saw and learn about the constellations. It was of course not as good as the real planetarium, but cool and exciting enough especially for the kids (and for the adults as well). It was a wonderful experience.

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