We had a great Thanksgiving. We went down to Caldwell (30 minutes from Boise) to celebrate with Brian's family. There was so much food; turkey, mashed potatoes, yam, stuffing, rolls, green beans, fruit salad, green salad, pies, etc. I totally stuffed myself. We were in charge of mashed potatoes and fruit salad, and both turned out great.
After dinner, we had a break before we had pies.
After the feast, kids made some ginger bread house. Each one looked great.
William already started eating the candies off the house the next day.
On Black Friday, we don't normally go out and shop, but this year we did go out and got some Christmas presents for Brian's brother and his wife. They were all 40 -50 % off, or buy one get one free, so we saved a good amount of money. There were so many people everywhere.
We ran out of the pumpkin pie I made the other day, so I made another one! But there was still some filling left, so I made one more! But this time I had no more frozen crust, so I made the crust too.
そしてまだフィリングが余っていたのでミニパンプキンパイ(5 cmくらい)を作りました♪
There was still some more filling and crust left, so I made mini pumpkin pies (about 2 inches).
So, with all the food, I have been putting so much weight. We had our family picture taken yesterday for the Christmas card, but my face looked so round. I need to lose some weight for next year.
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