
音楽の発表会 Music Recital

今朝はウィリアムの音楽のクラス(Let's Play Music)の年度末の発表会がありました。
We went to Let's Play Music (William's music class) recital this morning.

First, the first year students (that included William) played, then the second year students, and the third year students. 

As for William, he looked very confused as he went up to the front. He didn't seem he knew what he was supposed to do, and I felt uneasy as I watched him. I wasn't sure if he would participate any, but he did play bells and did parts of hand signs for the puppet show. 

At the end, all the students played Do Re Mi song (Sound of Music song) together. Each student got a rosette for graduating their levels. William went to bed with the rosette tonight. lol

The first year class is over now, but the second year one will start at the end of August again. I hope William will be able to perform with more confident at the recital next year.

And...I had to make some doughnuts today. There was a refreshment after the music recital, and I saw some doughnuts before the recital started, but when I went to get some after the recital was over, they were all gone!!! I really wanted to eat doughnuts, so of course I had to make them. They turned out great for the first time. They were so yummy!

2 件のコメント:

陽子 さんのコメント...



mikeeks さんのコメント...
