
ウィリアム3歳児検診 William's 3 Year Old Checkup


William had his 3 year old checkup this morning. He was 3'0.85"tall (36 %), and weighed 27 lb 3 oz (8%). He is one healthy boy, just has to get potty trained!
After the checkup, we went to an activity for Japanese moms/kids group. I wanted to make it to the activity (rather the lunch) because we were having Takoyaki (octopus balls) and there was no way I would miss the opportunity! They were so yummy and I was just in heaven! I now feel a lot more comfortable talking with other Japanese moms and so glad that I know more Japanese people around here now.


And we had bulgogi (Korean dish) for dinner! I love it! Takoyaki and bulgogi totally made my day! But another Beachbody challenge group started today, so I'm supposed to be eating healthier food for less amount. I had some pocky and chocolate cheesecake after dinner too. Oh well.


ウィリアム3歳の誕生日 William's 3rd Birthday


William turned three today! I can hardly believe it. I worked hard on making his cake and decorating the room since yesterday and was glad that everything worked out well. First thing in the morning, we had the chocolate cheesecake for breakfast. Then we did presents. William was so excited about all the gifts, especially the new train set's accessories (bridge, tunnel, water tower, and Salty). He played with them all morning.

午後からは,今日はJapan Dayということで,ダウンタウンに出かけて行きました。3年以上もいて行ったことなかったのですが,太鼓のパフォーマンスと獅子舞を見ることができました。ほかにも剣道などもあったようです。

In the afternoon, we went to downtown for Japan Day. I had never been to one before, but it was kind of cool that we got to see the drum performance and Lion dance. 

夕方,ウィリアムの誕生日をお祝いするためにディナーに出かけました。Red Robinというハンバーガーのレストランに行きました。早め(4時過ぎ)に行ったのに,結構人がいて驚き。Red Robinはフライドポテト食べ放題なのでもちろんおかわりしました(^v^)それにウィリアムが誕生日ということも伝えて無料でアイスクリームをごちそうになりました。歌をうたってもらってウィリアムはキョトンとしながらもちょっとにやけてました。笑

We went to Red Robin for dinner to celebrate William's birthday. Fries are the only things he would eat (and hamburger buns), so we chose the restaurant. We were there before 4:30pm but there were quite a few people already having dinner. I love how you can have fries all you want. of course I had second! William got free ice cream and birthday song for his birthday. When they brought the ice cream and sang the song, he kind had a grin on his face. :)


After we came home from dinner, we gave him the last present, a balance bike. He was excited but refused to wear a helmet, so had to ride it in the house. He had been wanting a balance bike since he rode on one at his friend's house a few weeks ago, so I'm glad he loved it. I'm glad he had a great day on his birthday. 


ウィリアムの誕生日ケーキ作り Making William's Birthday Cake

今日は毎週金曜日恒例スーパーに買い出しに行き,明日ウィリアムの誕生日ということもあって,他のお店にも行って,風船やロウソクなど誕生日に必要な物を買ってきました。ウィリアムの連れて行かな刈ればならなかったので全然サプライズにはならなかったけれど。午後はずーっとウィリアムのケーキの上に乗せる「トーマス」作り。チョコレートを溶かして爪楊枝で輪郭を描き,ホワイトチョコに色を付けて車体の部分にチョコを入れて行きます。超~めんどくさかったです!これは輪郭を描き終わったところの写真。これだけで2時間以上かかりました。汗 最終的な出来栄えは明日の投稿で。そして今やっとそのトーマスを置くケーキ(チョコレートチーズケーキ)が焼けました!これも結構時間かかった。でもいい感じに仕上がったのでホットしています。

Since it was Friday, William and I went grocery shopping in the morning. Then I needed to go get some balloons and other things for William's birthday tomorrow. I had to bring William with me to the stores, so it wasn't secret or anything, but he wasn't overly excited. In the afternoon, I worked forever to make this Thomas chocolate decoration to put on William's birthday cake. It took me for 2 hours just to outline it. After this, I spend another hour or so to fill some colors in. It turned out pretty good for the first try. And the cake just cake out of the oven not too long ago, so I just have to put some topping tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see the end product. :)


長かったけれど充実した一日 A Long But Productive Day


William and I went down to Caldwell this morning to say good bye to grandma Raggedy for the last time before she got shipped to Colorado this afternoon. The mortuary was taking her to the airport at 10 am, so we left home before 9 am to make it in time. I was able to thank her for the kindness she showed to me and William, and told her that I wished I could have talked to her more before she passed, but I was glad that I got to see her for the last time. She looked peaceful.


After we left the mortuary, we went over to the Strassers. William played with his cousin Edison and I helped Cori and Micah in getting ready for Cori's preschool starting next week. I mostly helped out in cleaning the kitchen. They fed us lunch and even gave me a doughnut! :)


And in the evening, my little family went to Western Idaho Fair. William had been wanting to ride on a Ferris wheel and we found out two Ferris wheels they had had a height limit that William could not ride! I was so heart broken for him!! We kept finding a ride he could ride on and later found two train rides to ride. He got to ride trains three times and that made him happy. Then we found another Ferris wheel that he could ride on, but by then William was more interested in trains, so it worked out ok. Along with many rides, there are many farm animals at the fair too. I got to have a picture taken with a huge cow. It was really a "Holy Cow!" lol It was a busy long day, but very productive. I'll be busy tomorrow with prepping for William's birthday on Saturday.


ピーナツバタークッキー Peanut Butter Cookies


I went to visiting teaching this afternoon. I baked some peanut butter cookies yesterday so that I could give them to the Sisters we go visit, and left some for my family too, but by the dinner time, there was only one left, and the last one was eaten by Brian tonight. I might bake some more tomorrow because they were so good! I used a Japanese recipe, and the cookies were a lot less sweet compared to American ones, and I loved the texture too.


I cooked croquette for dinner tonight for the first time in a few months. I just wanted to use up the potatoes that were in the fridge forever. I usually overcook them or some of them explode, but all of them turned out perfectly tonight and they were yummy. William even tried one bite, and said "I don't like this." ha ha!


ショッピングモール Shopping Mall


William and I went to the mall nearby. The main purpose was to take my SLR lens in to a camera shop in the mall. (I can't make it focus unless I set the camera in the manual mode.) It would take a week to get estimated, so I decided to come back after William's birthday is over since I want to take some picture with my SLR with the lens. The person at the shop (a member from the ward) took this photo with manual setting. Even with manual setting, I can't take pictures this well. I guess he is a pro. lol

わたしの用事はすぐに済んでしまい,その後はウィリアムが大好きなエスカレーターの乗り降りをまたしばらくやってました。いつもモールに行くときにはそうなることを覚悟して行きます。それでその後はお約束のようになってしまったSee's Candyへ行ってチョコレートをゲットしてうちに帰って食べるという流れ。それでスムーズに帰ってくれるからまだいいけどね。モールの一つのエスカレーターから別のエスカレーターへ移動中にダースベイダーのキッズ用のお皿を見つけて即ゲット!笑 ウィリアムのいとこのエジソン君(全然食事をしたがらない)に買ってあげたいと思ったけれど,ウィリアムにも買ってあげたいと思って(というか自分がほしかった)買ってしまった。ウィリアムはチョコレートと新しいお皿に喜んでました。

So, we were done with the camera shop right away, and from there we went straight to the escalator, so William can ride on it forever! Every time we come to the mall, we have to ride on it, and this time I was prepared for it! And after the escalator is done, we go to See's Candy to get some chocolate and go home and eat it. It's a bit pricey, but at least William is willing to go home and no screaming involved. While we were moving one escalator to another, I found this cool Darth Vader kids' plate and just had to buy it. I actually wanted to get one for William's cousin, Edison, who doesn't eat much at all and have a problem growing. But I wanted to get one for William too (or rather for me), so I got two of them. And the best part is that it was buy one get one half off!


It's the end of summer. Most kids started school today. The garden will be soon over. This year our garden didn't do that well (not that we do well every year though). We got a zucchini and three super tiny yellow cherry tomatoes.


It sounds like we had a great day right? But we actually had a rough day. Both William and I didn't sleep that well last night and he got really tired at some point, and I got tired of his whining and all that, and also had to worry about my job too. So I feel like I was yelling at him all day. Every time I feel bad after I make William cry, but sometimes it's hard to control myself especially when I'm tired and frustrated with something else. There are just so many things I need to work on as a mother. I will do better tomorrow!


ボイシ動物園 Boise Zoo


We went to Boise Zoo this afternoon. William had been wanting to go since we went to Oregon Zoo last month. He will turn 3 next Saturday and will be charged after that, so we decided to go today. I think he showed more interest in the animals this time compared to the last visit, but he was more interested in stairs, hills, bridges, and all other stuff that are at the zoo. He whined big time when we had to leave. He will probably start asking us soon to take him to the zoo again. By the way, I have taught him the Japanese word for zoo so many times, but he always says "the place where the animals are". I wonder why. I think saying the word zoo in Japanese is a lot easier than saying "the place where the animals are". 


Our dinner tonight was Shish Kebab. We had lamb meat, green and red peppers, onions, and mushrooms on the skewers. We used a recipe from the BBQ book I gave to Brian for his birthday and the kebabs tasted heavenly! I had four of them! Brian only had three. lol I'm very impressed with my appetite lately. Yesterday, I had four slices of pizza. Brian had three. I won. :)


散髪 Haircut


William's hair was getting long (mostly on the side and back), so I cut his hair today. And after I was done with his, I wanted to cut mine since mine was worse. We both feel better! :)


I made Margherita pizza for dinner tonight with THICK crust. Don't do it! You will burn basil big time! It was yummy though. I used tomatoes and basil from our garden. :)

悲しいニュース Sad News


We received a phone call from Steve (Brian's dad) that Grandma Raggedy (Gwen Jensen) passed away. It had been close to two years since she moved out here to Idaho from Colorado, and I'm grateful for the opportunity I got to spend some time with her. I so wish I could have spent more time talking with her listening to all her stories. This is the only good picture I have of her, which was taken a month ago (7/19) while she was in a rehab center in Nampa. I'm glad I took this picture. All the sudden her health went down and the doctor found tumors in her brain and all over her stomach, and she was gone weeks later. I learned from this experience that I should always try to be kind to everyone because you never know how long you or others will be around. May you rest in peace, grandma Raggedy!

トイレトレーニング第二弾 Potty Training Second Attempt


I tried to potty train William today for the second time, and it was a total fail! I have no hope to send him to preschool this year, but that's OK. I recently got some preschool materials to teach him and I tried some today. I made him follow some mazes (you can see it in the picture), and after he was done two pages, he said "Mommy, I got tired."(in Japanese) Such a short attention span!! I guess he is only two (almost three).


We had this Lime Ginger Chicken for dinner tonight. It's one of our favorites! 


ヨーグルト散乱! Yogurt Everywhere!!

Messy floor. At this point, I had already cleaned the fridge and freezer.

I was covered with yogurt. This is after I wiped yogurt off. 


This morning, as I opened the fridge, a big yogurt container fell of the top shelf and yogurt spread just everywhere!!! It got both inside and outside the fridge and freezer, on the floor, on William's high chair, and on my clothes both top and bottom. It was a total mess. Before Brian left home for work this morning, he was shoving the yogurt container and I remember thinking it doesn't look safe, but I just didn't do anything about it, then this happened. So I want to blame on Brian, but I guess it is my fault too.


I bought a mini muffin pan today. I had been wanting to get one so that I could make some mini muffins and cupcakes for William. I bought some muffin mix too, so I baked some for lunch. They are small but William ate six of them. I didn't know he loved muffins that much. lol


お友達宅訪問 Visit With Friends


William and I visited our Japanese friend's house today. Yukiko and her sons, Ouka (2 yo) and Hero (8 mo). Yukiko's friend Chieko and her daughter (2 yo) were there too. We chatted and had lunch together, and had a great time together. We found out that Yukiko's anniversary and my anniversary were the same date and year; 11/11/11! How cool is that?! Chieko said she got married in 2011 as well, and we all have a 2-year-old! That kind of made me happy. :) William enjoyed playing with the toys at Yukiko's house. The picture is of William and a cool mini cooper toy car. He loved it. He also like the balance bike they had. He didn't come home and kept whining on the way home. After he came home, he kept saying "You can buy me a bike." I guess it was good that I already bought him a balance bike for his birthday!

This was our dinner tonight. Pad Thai and spring rolls. So delicious!