7月30日(木)は,沼津からちょうど旦那さんの実家に帰省している日本人の友達(かっちゃん)と一緒にシルバーフォールズ州立公園に行ってきました。10つの滝があるのですが,ウィリアムもいたし,3つだけしか見れませんでした。でもどれもとても綺麗でした。滝までのハイキングは日影が多くてとても涼しかったです。とても暑い日だったのでとても気持ちがよかったです。かっちゃんの旦那さんのネイサンには,かっちゃんを迎えにShilo Innに来たときに二人の写真を撮らせてもらいました。
I have been able to post on Portland trip, so here it is. Day 3 (Thursday, July 30th).
We went to Silver Falls State Park. My friend Katsue who has been visiting her husband's family in Portland came with us. There were ten waterfalls but since it requires much hiking to go see all of them (and we had William), we could only see three of them, but all of them were so beautiful. The last picture is of Katsue and her husband Nathan, when he came to pick her up at where we were staying.
夜はかっちゃんから教えてもらっていたSushi Landという回転寿司のお店に食べに行きました。ボイシの回転寿司と全然違って活気があってネタも豊富!しかも結構安い!結構いっぱい食べたけれど二人でドリンク付きでも27ドルくらいでした。ポートランド住みたい!笑
We went to a conveyor belt sushi restaurant for dinner which Katsue had told me about. The place was just terrific! There were so many people that we had to wait for a while, but it was worth waiting! There were so many different kinds of seafood available unlike sushi restaurants in Boise and they were pretty fresh and reasonable! I thought we ate a lot but we only spent like 27 dollars including drinks! I'd love to live in Portland! lol
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