William turned three today! I can hardly believe it. I worked hard on making his cake and decorating the room since yesterday and was glad that everything worked out well. First thing in the morning, we had the chocolate cheesecake for breakfast. Then we did presents. William was so excited about all the gifts, especially the new train set's accessories (bridge, tunnel, water tower, and Salty). He played with them all morning.
午後からは,今日はJapan Dayということで,ダウンタウンに出かけて行きました。3年以上もいて行ったことなかったのですが,太鼓のパフォーマンスと獅子舞を見ることができました。ほかにも剣道などもあったようです。
In the afternoon, we went to downtown for Japan Day. I had never been to one before, but it was kind of cool that we got to see the drum performance and Lion dance.
夕方,ウィリアムの誕生日をお祝いするためにディナーに出かけました。Red Robinというハンバーガーのレストランに行きました。早め(4時過ぎ)に行ったのに,結構人がいて驚き。Red Robinはフライドポテト食べ放題なのでもちろんおかわりしました(^v^)それにウィリアムが誕生日ということも伝えて無料でアイスクリームをごちそうになりました。歌をうたってもらってウィリアムはキョトンとしながらもちょっとにやけてました。笑
We went to Red Robin for dinner to celebrate William's birthday. Fries are the only things he would eat (and hamburger buns), so we chose the restaurant. We were there before 4:30pm but there were quite a few people already having dinner. I love how you can have fries all you want. of course I had second! William got free ice cream and birthday song for his birthday. When they brought the ice cream and sang the song, he kind had a grin on his face. :)
After we came home from dinner, we gave him the last present, a balance bike. He was excited but refused to wear a helmet, so had to ride it in the house. He had been wanting a balance bike since he rode on one at his friend's house a few weeks ago, so I'm glad he loved it. I'm glad he had a great day on his birthday.
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