
ポートランド二日目 Portland Day 2

ポートランド二日目はダウンタウンへ。わたしのパスポートの更新目的で行きました。近くの駅から電車に乗ってまず日本領事館へ。その後Powell's Booksという大型本屋さんとチャイニーズガーデンに行く予定だったけれど,とても暑かったのとウィリアムが疲れてしまって(自分も),本屋さんだけ行ってチャイニーズガーデンは断念。ウィリアムは大好きな電車に乗ったり,本屋さんに行ってとても楽しんでいたようすでした。パスポートも無事に取れて一安心。

On the second day of the trip, we went to down town, mainly to get my passport renewed. And we were planning on going to Powell's Books and Chinese Garden, but since William was getting tired and it was unusually hot, we just went to the bookstore and gave up on Chinese Garden. William seemed to enjoy riding trains and reading books at the bookstore. And I got my passport renewed without any problems. :)


This was taken in the evening at Kinokuniya bookstore in Uwajimaya. William loved the kids section and he wouldn't leave! 

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