
ショッピングモール Shopping Mall


William and I went to the mall nearby. The main purpose was to take my SLR lens in to a camera shop in the mall. (I can't make it focus unless I set the camera in the manual mode.) It would take a week to get estimated, so I decided to come back after William's birthday is over since I want to take some picture with my SLR with the lens. The person at the shop (a member from the ward) took this photo with manual setting. Even with manual setting, I can't take pictures this well. I guess he is a pro. lol

わたしの用事はすぐに済んでしまい,その後はウィリアムが大好きなエスカレーターの乗り降りをまたしばらくやってました。いつもモールに行くときにはそうなることを覚悟して行きます。それでその後はお約束のようになってしまったSee's Candyへ行ってチョコレートをゲットしてうちに帰って食べるという流れ。それでスムーズに帰ってくれるからまだいいけどね。モールの一つのエスカレーターから別のエスカレーターへ移動中にダースベイダーのキッズ用のお皿を見つけて即ゲット!笑 ウィリアムのいとこのエジソン君(全然食事をしたがらない)に買ってあげたいと思ったけれど,ウィリアムにも買ってあげたいと思って(というか自分がほしかった)買ってしまった。ウィリアムはチョコレートと新しいお皿に喜んでました。

So, we were done with the camera shop right away, and from there we went straight to the escalator, so William can ride on it forever! Every time we come to the mall, we have to ride on it, and this time I was prepared for it! And after the escalator is done, we go to See's Candy to get some chocolate and go home and eat it. It's a bit pricey, but at least William is willing to go home and no screaming involved. While we were moving one escalator to another, I found this cool Darth Vader kids' plate and just had to buy it. I actually wanted to get one for William's cousin, Edison, who doesn't eat much at all and have a problem growing. But I wanted to get one for William too (or rather for me), so I got two of them. And the best part is that it was buy one get one half off!


It's the end of summer. Most kids started school today. The garden will be soon over. This year our garden didn't do that well (not that we do well every year though). We got a zucchini and three super tiny yellow cherry tomatoes.


It sounds like we had a great day right? But we actually had a rough day. Both William and I didn't sleep that well last night and he got really tired at some point, and I got tired of his whining and all that, and also had to worry about my job too. So I feel like I was yelling at him all day. Every time I feel bad after I make William cry, but sometimes it's hard to control myself especially when I'm tired and frustrated with something else. There are just so many things I need to work on as a mother. I will do better tomorrow!

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