
落花生!! Peanuts!!

Can you see the small peanut plant in between tomato plants?

黄色いミニトマト Yellow cherry tomatoes

ズッキーニ zucchini

畑の野菜たちがだんだん大きくなってきました。今日は黄色く色づいたミニトマトを発見!ズッキーニも小さな実をつけてきました。ところで,二つのトマトの苗の間に最近ひょっこり顔を出したものがあって,何も植えてないはずだから雑草だと思っていたけれど,なんとなく雑草っぽくなくって気になってました。どんどん大きくなってきて,ブライアンに聞いたら何も植えてないって言うし,多分雑草だろうって言うから引っこ抜いてみたら,なんと,その根っこに落花生の殻が!庭によく現れるリスがいつぞや穴を掘って植えたっぽいです。笑 引っこ抜いたけどまた地面に植えて育てることにしました。落花生なるかな。なったらリスに感謝ですね。笑

Our garden is growing. Today I found a yellow cherry tomatoes on one of the tomato plants. I also found a small zucchini growing. So exciting! I noticed the other day that there has been some plant or weed growing in between two tomato plants. I first thought it was a weed, then it kind of looked like a plat of some kind, so I asked my husband if he had planted something there. He said no and told me it probably was a weed. So, I went out to the garden and pull the "weed" out, and guess what I found at the bottom of the root? A PEANUT SHELL! A squirrel must have buried it and forgot about it. I put the peanut plant back in the garden and will look forward to getting some peanuts! If we get any, we have to thank the squirrel for it. lol 


By the way, I got really sick from eating almonds this afternoon. I was hungry in between meals and I wanted to have something healthy, then this happened. So much for trying to eat healthy! Now I'm kind of hesitant to eat nuts. :(

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