
バラ Roses

今日は近隣のナンパ市まで家族でバラを買いに行ってきました。ボイシではバラがよく育つので多くの庭先でバラをよく見かけます。去年家を買ったときからバラを植えたいねと言っていたのですが、去年は前に植わっていた植木を引っこ抜いて裏庭に移動させるだけで終わってしまい、やっと今日バラを2本植えました。一つはAlways and Foeverという交配種の濃い赤色のバラで、もう一つはSt. Patrickという黄色のバラで淵が緑っぽい交配種のバラです。これから楽しみ♪隣にあともう2本植える予定です。
We went to buy some roses at a nursery in Nampa. Roses grow well in Boise, so I see them everywhere. We had been talking about planting some in our front yard since we purchased our home last year, but we had no room for them since there was a huge peony bush. So, in fall last year, we got the peony out and replanted in our back yard so that we had room for some roses. We got 2 rose plants; a deep red rose called Always and Forever (Hybrid tea), and yellow-greenish roses called St. Patrick (Hybrid tea). I can't wait them to bloom. We are planning on planting two more roses right next to them. 

Before we planted the roses, we had lunch to give us some energy. Brian had leftover pizza from last night, and I cooked spaghetti Neapolitan using tons of leftover pasta from the other night. Now we have so much leftover spaghetti Neapolitan. :(

After we worked hard planting the roses and working in the yard, we had BBQ burger for dinner. It was our first BBQ for the year. We had some watermelon too. It was so sweet and yummy! The best part is that it was only $4. :)

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