ウィリアムがここ数日夜何度も起きて,わたしもブライアンも超寝不足で疲れています。ウィリアムはと言うと,夜何度も起きて寝つきが悪かったのがうそのように,毎朝元気で日中は昼寝もせず,夜は遅くまで起きている。。。でもさすがに今日は疲れていたようで,夕飯のときに食べながら目が閉じちゃってました。笑 でもその後すぐに寝かしつけようとしたけれど結局最終的に寝たのは9時半!こっちがくたばってしまう~。
William has been waking up so many times during the night this last few days and both Brian and I have been so tired because of it. It doesn't seem like it affects William though. He always has a ton of energy in the morning and doesn't even take a nap during the day and stays up until late. But today he fell asleep while eating dinner, so we got him ready for bed, but guess what! He ended up staying up and didn't sleep until 9:30! We are so exhausted!
By the way, the brownies I baked last night are already half way gone...I should have had the gums I bought yesterday. :(
So I cooked healthy dinner tonight. It's lentils and black bean chili. I think I like this better than the regular chili. :)
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