
ベビーの会 Japanese Moms' Group

持ち寄りのランチ Potluck lunch

今日初めて「ベビーの会」に参加しました。ボイシとその周辺に住む日本人のお母さんたちで小さい子供のいる方たちの集まりです。今日は昨日復活祭だったこともあって,イースターエッグハントをしました。ウィリアムはやる気全然なかったので,せかして拾わせました。笑 たくさんの小さいお友達の中に入って遊ぶのに躊躇しているようだったけれど,帰る時には帰りたくなくて泣いて大変でした。わたしも久しぶりにたくさんの日本人の方に会って久々にすごい緊張しました。

I attended an activity for the Japanese moms' group for the first time today. It's a group for Japanese moms with little kids around Boise area. We did Easter egg hunt today since it was Easter yesterday. William didn't seem so excited at collecting eggs, so I had to kind of make him pick them up. He was hesitant to mingle with many other kids, but he cried as we were leaving because he wanted to stay and play. I was nervous to meet so many Japanese people as well. It had been a while since I got that nervous. 

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