ティラピア Tilapia
We had a very Japanese meal tonight for dinner. I cooked tilapia, and tofu & seaweed miso soup (We hardly have miso soup). I would probably get tired of eating traditional Japanese meal everyday, but the dinner tonight tasted so good to me.
ウィリアムは最近英語でも日本語でもちゃんと文章っぽくコミュニケーション取れるようになってきて,玄関のドアも自分で開け閉めできるようになったり(これは今日発見!),冷凍庫のドアも開け閉めしたり(困る!),歌も大好きで一人で歌っていたり,いろいろできるようになってきました。それと口を開けばNo No やだやだばっかり。食べない,行かない,寝ない,やらない。。。とみごとにみんな否定文。2歳ってみんなこんなもんかな。寝てるときが一番かわいい♪って思ってしまう。
William has been communicating with us pretty well lately in both Japanese and English. He can now open the front door and the screen by himself too (I just found out today)! He can also open the freezer which could be a problem. And he can sing well, and do many other things. On top of that, most of the time he says something, it's either No! or negative things; I don't want to eat, I don't want to go out, I don't want to go to bed, I don't want to do...,etc. Yep, he's two! He looks very cute and it's so peaceful when he is sleeping! lol
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