
総大会 General Conference


It was the first day of the semiannual general conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints. It's a great opportunity to listen to the living prophets and apostles. It has been hard the past few conference with William having not much attention span. I'll have to watch it again online or read conference issue of the church magazine. 


Tomorrow is Easter, and I baked some chick cupcakes. They looked more like blowfish though. I gave them to some church members nearby and to my nieces and a sister-in-law too.

夕方総大会の一般部会が終わった後,家族の他のメンバーと本屋に集まって,毎年恒例のイースターブックのイベントしました。毎年ブライアンの両親が,わたしたち(子供,孫)に一冊ずつ本を買ってくれます。今年はわたしはLittle Women(若草物語)にしました。でも実は去年の本(A Little Princess)もまだ読んでいなくって,そっちを先に読まないと。それでその次はクリスマスにもらったピーター・パン。それでやっとLittle Womenが読める。目標は5月末までに。さてどうなるか。。。

After the general sessions of general conference, the family got together at Barnes & Noble for Easter Books. This is a family event we hold each year for Easter. Brian's parents buy us kids and grandkids a book for each to read. This year I got Little Women. I'm excited to read it, but I have to read A Little Princess, which was last year's first. lol Then Peter Pan, a Christmas gift. I'm planning on finish reading A Little Princess by the end of May. I'll see how that goes.

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