
家族旅行 Family Trip

We went on a road trip to Seattle and Portland from the 16th to 23rd.

On the first day, we just drove up to Seattle. We got stuck in the traffic for like two hours (we were going like 20 mile per hour) and it took us 9 and 1/2 hours to get there! 

On the second day, we went sight seeing in Seattle. From our hotel near the airport to Down town, we took trains. The main purpose we went to Seattle was to ride a two minute ride monorail. Brian had told William previously during William's story time how there was a monorail in Seattle, and of course William wanted to ride it.

I failed to take a picture of Space needle. :( The tower looks like this. (The picture on the left is a CG souvenir picture they took for us.)

We went up to the observation deck, and looked down the city. It was pretty, but it cost $30/person (rip off!) and I think this might be the last time to go up there for me (and it was my second time). lol

Before we went to Space Needle, we went to Pike Place. 

There we looked around different shops including the famous fish market that throw fish.

Can you see the blurry fish in the center?

And we went to the aquarium next. It's not that great (from a Japanese point of view), yet it cost $30/person. I think we paid $20 for William. Seattle isn't a family friendly city. 

夜はなんとシアトルに住む日本人の友達が旦那さんとホテルまで来てくれて,Pike Placeで食べ損ねたフィッシュ&チップス(魚のフライとフライドポテト)とクラムチャウダーを持ってきてくれました♪ ブライアンの片頭痛が発症したりしたこともあってダウンタウンで食べてる時間なかったのですごくうれしかった~。
In the evening, one of my Japanese friends who lives in Seattle came to our hotel with her husband and brought us some clam chowder and fish & chips! We didn't get to have some while we were in down town (Brian got migraine so we had to go back to our hotel), so they were very much appreciated!

フィッシュ&チップス fish & chips

クラムチャウダー Clam chowder

I'll post the rest of the trip on another day. :)

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