
クリスマス Christmas

It was Christmas yesterday, and was a long day as I predicted.

Before I write about Christmas day, I have to write about last night. William woke me up around 3:30 am and asked me if it was morning yet. lol He kept waking me up and asked the same questions until we finally got up. He was just so excited about Christmas this year.

Our day started around 7 am As soon as we woke up, we gathered around the tree and started open presents. We started off with Santa's gifts. Then we took a break to have breakfast (had cinnamon rolls I made last night), and went back to open the gifts. This time gifts from each of us.

わたしのプレゼント My gifts

ブライアンのプレゼント Brian's gifts

ウィリアムのプレゼント William's gifts

After the gifts, we did whatever. I started making a tree salad for Christmas dinner tonight. Potato salad is inside the tree. I make this every year just for fun, but not many people eat it because some of family members don't like cooked broccoli. A lot of Americans like to eat broccoli raw. 

Around 2:30 pm, we left for Brian's family's home in Caldwell for the 2nd round of gift opening. Every year, there are just so many gifts that I feel dizzy. lol I'm grateful, but wish I could just have one simple gift. It took us over 3 hours to open all the gifts!

Finally we had Christmas dinner. There were 21 people total. The little kids sat at a kid's table. :) 

And then, after dinner, we had Brian's brother Daniel's birthday party.

By the time we came home, it was after 11 pm. I was glad to be home. It's exhausts me every year, but I'm grateful that I have family and friends to celebrate Christmas with.

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