
読み聞かせ Story Time

William was into reading books today. He wanted me to read two English books; The polar express and Locomotive (a book that tells how the pacific railroad was built). I'm not so good at reading books in English, but he insisted that I read them, so I did my best.

午後は図書館の読み聞かせの時間に行ってきました。今日のアルファベットはCで、キャンプ(camp)についての本を読んでくれました。読み聞かせの後はまた図書館から6冊本を借りてきて、家に戻ったらすぐに2冊読むことになりました。そのうち一冊がとても長くて(リチャード・スキャリーのWhat do people do all day?という本)読み終わったときにはもう夕飯の支度をしなければならない時間に。でもウィリアムはまだ4冊読んでない本があるからということで納得いかずにご機嫌ななめに。(-_-;)
In the afternoon, we went to the story time at the library. Today's letter was C and the kids listened to stories about camping. After the story time, we checked out 6 more books today and I read two books after we came home. One of them was sooo long (What do people do all day? by Richard Scarry) and it was almost time for me to start cooking dinner when I finished it, but William got mad because there were still 4 more books I hadn't read. :( Aiaiai.

This is at the end of the story time. Kids are coloring.

And dinner tonight was pasta with summer veggies and basil pesto, and chicken saute. The pasta always turn out too soggy to me. 

I woke up around 5:30 this morning and couldn't go back to sleep, so I'm super sleepy now. It's only 10 pm now, but I think I'm going to bed soon.

2 件のコメント:

陽子 さんのコメント...


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