
お父さんの職場訪問 Visited Daddy At Work

Brian forgot to take his lunch today, so William and I decided to deliver the lunch to him at work. His office is in another city (two cities away) and it takes 25 minutes to get there, so we hardly ever go visit him unless we have to. We didn't have to today, but I made the lunch (it's just a sandwich though), so I was determined to deliver it to him, ha ha.

After we came home, we had lunch while watching William's favorite TV shows, then headed to the library for the story time.

He likes this toy at the library.

図書館から帰ってしばらくしたら、今度はLet's Play Musicのクラスへ(初日でした)。写真はないけどウィリアム楽しんだ様子。7人くらいいて、ウィリアムのクラスに男の子はウィリアムだけ(苦笑)
After we came from the library, we had little time to play in the house, then headed out for William's first music class. He said he liked it. There were like seven kids in the class and he was the only boy there, ha ha.

It was such a busy day today. Luckily I didn't have to cook dinner tonight since we had the leftover from last night.

2 件のコメント:

陽子 さんのコメント...


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