
ハローウィン Happy Halloween!!

It was Halloween today. William and I went to our Mexican friend's home for a Halloween dinner party. Brian stayed home since he was still sick. :(

そのお宅に行くとミラーボールがキラキラ光って音楽かけてあって,ダンスできるようになってました。笑 ハローウィンパーティーだよな??って一瞬思っちゃう感じ。メキシコ人はこうやってハローウィン祝うのか~と感心した瞬間でした。
At their home, they had a mirror ball with music on in front room for people to dance. I was like "Is this how Mexican celebrate Halloween?"lol And for the food wise, we had tacos, tamales, and other food people brought (I brought some Japanese fried chicken).

William had a great time dancing. lol

パーティーの間もtrick or treatしに多くの子供たちが来ました。
While we were there, many trick-or-treaters came by.

そのあとは,家の近所まで戻ってきてTirck or Treatしに行きました。10件くらいドアをノックして歩いて,最後のドアは我が家。留守番していたブライアンからキャンディーもらって終了。ウィリアムはたくさんキャンディーもらえてご満悦。明日(も)きっと一日キャンディー食べたがるんだろうなあ。。。
After we left their home, we came back to our neighborhood and went trick-or -treating. We knocked on about 10 doors and we knocked on our door for the last one and William got a candy from daddy. :) He was happy that he got a lot of candies. I'm sure he will want to eat candies all day long like today!

2 件のコメント:

陽子 さんのコメント...


mikeeks さんのコメント...
