
ポージョーズ PoJo's

So, we were invited for a birthday party at Pojo's Family Fun Center three days ago. It was for Jacob, my Spanish teacher, Mariela's son. 

We had never been there before, and William was so excited to ride the carousel (he rode three times). Brian was able to join us after his work, so we all had pizza for dinner (that's what they had at the party). 

William doesn't like soda, but he tried three different ones (orange soda, sprite, and root beer), and to my surprise, he liked root beer the best and kept drinking out of Brian's cup. He is totally American! lol

We played different games with tokens, and got tickets to exchange with prizes. It was fun not only for William but also for me and Brian. We hardly ever go to this type of place because we don't like noisy places, but it might be good to take William once in a while, so he can have fun.

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