
またハンバーガー Hamburger Again


It was Sunday today, so we had dinner with Brian's family as usual. And the menu was...BBQ hamburgers! Two days in a row, yay!! Micah (Brian's sister, Cori's husband)'s father, Charlie brought some homemade ice cream dessert and I brought two kinds of cookies. I always say this but I eat too much.


By the way, in Sunday school at church today, I was reminded of the importance of praying specifically. When I was having a conversation with Brian tonight, I could not remember the name of a dog one of the Brothers in the ward has. I kept thinking thinking until I went to bed but couldn't remember. Right before I went to bed, I remembered the lesson from Sunday school and decided to pray specifically to know the name of the dog (I know it sounds kinda funny.). As soon as I prayed for it (and I wasn't done with my prayer yet), the name popped in my head! It worked! That totally made my day. Heavenly Father listens to our prayers even when we pray for things that don't seem so important.


While I was making cookies today, my favorite mixing spoon broke! So sad! :(


充実した一日 Productive Day

今日は土曜日だったけれど,ウィリアムが7時半には起きたので親としても起きざるを得ず,せっかく早起きしたから外にまたベビーカーで散歩がてら運動に行き(ブライアンは別に同じコースを走って)ました。帰ってきてシャワーを浴びたり支度ができてからHome Depotというホームセンターに行ってウィリアムの部屋の窓用のカーテン(光をブロックするやつ)と,車用の断熱シート?を買ってきました。朝早くからもう明るくなってウィリアムが起きてしまうし,夜は9時過ぎまで明るいのでなかなか寝てくれないので,このカーテン重宝します。

It was Saturday, but William woke up by 7:30, so I had to get up too. We decided to go for the stroller walk again. It was much nicer than yesterday since it was before 8:30 when we left. Brian went jogging too, the same course we walked. After we came home and took shower and got ready, we went to Home Depot to get a sun block shade for William's window and a shade for our car. William has been getting up early because sun comes up early, and doesn't want to go to bed early because sun is still out at his bed time. We hope this shade will help him sleep better.


In the afternoon, we cleaned the gutter and mow the lawn. And I did laundry too. 


And BBQ hamburgers for dinner tonight. We had teriyaki egg burger. It was pretty good. :)


William is now asleep in his room with the new curtains. Sleep well!


ベビーカー Stroller


Our internet was down from last night to late morning today, so I couldn't update my blog last night. Yesterday, as my workout, I went for a walk, pushing William's stroller for 45 minutes. We left at 9:30 am, so it wasn't as hot, but it was rather nice. Today, William wanted to go out in the stroller again, but this time at 3 pm! I didn't want to go, but of course two year old wouldn't listen, so we went out. I got super hot and sweaty. So exhausted!


I might have mentioned this before, but William has been into windmills lately. There is no windmills around here, so I have printed out the pictures off internet and made some pinwheels for him but they weren't that nice. Today William and I stopped by at a drug store and there they had many pinwheels for 99 cents. I bought a green one for him and he was super excited. He was calling it "green windmill" though.


Pizza for dinner tonight. I made a pizza with chicken, green onions, and asparagus on Korean BBQ sauce. It would have been better without asparagus. I think asparagus would be better with white cream sauce. 


ブラウニー Brownies


I'm so tired! William started taking his nap today around 5pm and as a result he stayed up until close to 11pm! Brian and I are so exhausted.

今日午前中は教会の家庭訪問(割り当てを受けた女性の教会員を訪問するプログラム)の担当の姉妹たちにブラウニーを届けに行ってきました。夕べ作ったブラウニー,9 x 13インチの焼き型で作ったのに,もうこれしか残ってない。あげてしまった後,1/3くらいは残っていたと思ったけれど。。。ついパクパクと。。。でもわたしだけじゃなくてウィリアムもブライアンも犯人の一人です!

William and I went to deliver some brownies to the Sisters I visit teach this morning. I baked the brownies last night in a 9 x 13 in pan, and they are almost gone! After I gave away to those Sisters, there was still 1/3 of them left in the pan, but where did they go? Well, they were just so good that I couldn't resist, but William and Brian ate some too!


And I cooked cream stew for dinner tonight. We had it with some bread and salad. I love this stew but it just has so many calories! I have been gaining weight so much. I'm seriously in trouble.


稲妻 Lightning

見にくいけど稲妻です Hard to see it but it's lightning.


It was such a nice day today until late tonight. We could see lightnings like every few seconds. It was pretty crazy out there. It was good thing that William had gone to bed already. If he was awake, he would have freaked out and wouldn't be able to go to bed.


This is Brian's lunch for tomorrow. It's been a while since I made bento (lunch). It's just some leftover from dinner tonight though. But I'm sure he will be happy to have this than sandwiches since he has them all the time. 


メモリアル・デー Memorial Day


It was Memorial Day today and Brian didn't have to work. He wanted to go bird watching so we went out in the afternoon. This is my favorite picture from the trip, makes me laugh. I saw some birds too. :) First it was super sunny and hot, but gradually got cloudy and we could hear thunder and see some lightning and stuff. We were there for only about an hour and a half, but it made me so tired.

Here are some other pictures.


ハワイアンヘイスタック Hawaiian Haystack


We went to the church in the morning as usual, and got together with the family for dinner in the evening. We had Hawaiian haystack tonight. It's always so good and eat too much. I couldn't even eat the brownies I brought for dessert. I'll eat them tomorrow.


仕事 Work


I don't normally get up early on Saturday, but today I did - well, 7:30 was early enough for me. I first worked out and took shower and got ready, and after everybody got ready we went to Costco. After I came home, I had to work on my translation project for the rest of the day. Brian took care of William while he did the yard work, so it helped a lot. I finally finished my project right before William had to get ready for the bath. 


For dinner tonight,we had some barbecued hamburgers and corn. Yum! And after William went to bed tonight, I felt like I could use some parfait, so I made one for me and one for Brian as well. It was more like sundae though, but it was such a comfort food.


イライラの日 Frustrating Day

今日はイライラすることが多い日でした。自分が至らなくてイライラするのだろうけれど。ウィリアムが駄々をこねたり言うことを聞かなかったりして,怒りまくっていました。わたしが怒ったり優しくないことが多いからだと思うけれど,ウィリアム夢でもわたしに何か嫌なことされてるみたいで,夜中に「かあさん!No!」とか言ってます。あ~かわいそう。。。さっきも寝言で「No! No!」言ってました(-_-;)もっと優しく接してあげないと。。。あ,そうそう,今朝のイライラの始まりは,クッキーを食べたいと言い出したんだけれど,クッキーは昨日で全部食べつくしてしまっていてなかったので,ないと言ったら怒りだしてクッキークッキーうるさいので,じゃあ作ってあげるから待ってなさいと言ったら,「No!クッキー食べる!」と言って泣き叫び。。。もちろん2歳児だから待てないわけで。結局作って食べたら何事もなかったかのようにケトンとしてる。疲れるわ~~~。

It was such a frustrating day! William seemed to whine all day! It started out when he asked me for the cookies which we had eaten up yesterday. I showed him the empty container and told him they were all gone, and he got mad of course. I told him that I could bake some but he had to wait, and he didn't like that, and insisted he eat cookies right then. He just couldn't wait, of course he is two. I gave him some chocolate while I baked cookies (that was the only way I could calm him down) and as soon as he had the cookies, he was acting like nothing happened. Have to love mom's life!


I needed a break from cooking tonight, so I asked Brian to get some dinner on the way home. We had some pasta from Noodles. It's always good when you don't have to cook yourself.


親子丼 Oyakodon


I have been pretty busy lastly with my translating job, and I have to work on it day and night, so William and I haven't been out much (William doesn't really want to go out though). I'll post a picture of Oyakodon (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oyakodon) I cooked for dinner tonight since there's nothing much to write about. lol


みんな整列 Everything Lined Up


William loves to line up things in order. This is what he has done recently. He put all the leaves and dead flowers along the window sill. Very impressive, in a way. lol


These are the calyx of hibiscus. I drew faces on each. William says they are Eddie, Robbie (both his cousins), and Willy (himself). lol


母と娘の夕べ Mother-Daughter Night

今晩の活動の日は,いつもの女の子たちに加えてそのお母さんたちにも参加してもらい,「母と娘の夕べ」をしました。一緒にお互いのことをどれだけ知っているかを見るゲーム(何と言う名前か日本語で思い出せないけど)をしました。昨日作ったキャラメルポップコーンと今日作ったオートミールレーズンクッキーとオートミールチョコチップクッキー全部あっという間になくなりました。笑 大勢参加してくれて結構盛り上がったし,何より無事に終わって一安心。朝一で,もう一つのワードの活動の日のリーダーから連絡があり,急に咽頭炎になってしまって参加できないということで,彼女を頼りにしてたから一気にテンション下がって一日心配していました。だからホントに終わって良かった!

For Activity Days tonight, we had Mother-daughter Night. We played a game like newlyweds game and everybody seemed to enjoy it. I was freaking out all day long because I found out first thing in the morning that one of the Activity Days leaders in Hampton ward couldn't make it to the activity because she had strep throat! That totally made me feel down since I was totally relying on her on the activity tonight. But, everything went well and I'm so glad it's over! Oh and all the cookies and caramel popcorn I made were gone right away!


畑デビュー Garden Debut

今日ついに枝豆ちゃん,畑のど真ん中に植えました☆ これから成長がもっと楽しみ♪他の野菜も大きくなってきました。良く見ると黄色いミニトマトの木にもう小さいトマトがなっているんです!

My edamame plant is in our garden now! I planted it in the very center of the garden. Other vegetable plants have been growing as well and if you take a closer look, you see a tiny tomato on the yellow cherry tomato plant. :)


I made some caramel popcorn this afternoon. They are refreshment for Activity Days tomorrow night, but oh my, they are soooo good and very dangerous! You can totally keep eating until they are all gone!


We went to the elementary school nearby for Family Home Evening activity tonight. As we were playing there, we saw two rainbows. That made me happy. :)


Bonus - Brian's coming down the slide. lol


模様替え Rearranging the House



I was super exhausted yesterday and could care less about blog, so I skipped a day, but I'm back and it's Saturday here. We have had some rain here the past few days and it was not the best day to be out and hang out today either, so we stayed home all day. Brian wanted to bring some book shelves that were in our front room into his library and take one of the furniture that was in the library out to the front room, so he did that. That kind of made me want to organize our cupboards and closets, so that's what I did most of the day. Now our house (especially our bedroom) seems to have more room. This is some of Brian's 2,000 books in his library. There are still more in the front room, in the dining area, in our bedroom, and even in the garage!



This was before dinner. Brian was playing the Ukulele and William was playing drums (and tambourine). They had a great jam session. :)


And we had hamburger steak for dinner. I usually mix ground pork and ground beef, but apparently I wasn't thinking today and just used beef and didn't realize until I started mixing the ingredients, but it turned out fine.


By the way, this is the edamame I planed not long ago. It's been growing so well. It's definitely God's creation!