
充実した一日 Productive Day

今日は土曜日だったけれど,ウィリアムが7時半には起きたので親としても起きざるを得ず,せっかく早起きしたから外にまたベビーカーで散歩がてら運動に行き(ブライアンは別に同じコースを走って)ました。帰ってきてシャワーを浴びたり支度ができてからHome Depotというホームセンターに行ってウィリアムの部屋の窓用のカーテン(光をブロックするやつ)と,車用の断熱シート?を買ってきました。朝早くからもう明るくなってウィリアムが起きてしまうし,夜は9時過ぎまで明るいのでなかなか寝てくれないので,このカーテン重宝します。

It was Saturday, but William woke up by 7:30, so I had to get up too. We decided to go for the stroller walk again. It was much nicer than yesterday since it was before 8:30 when we left. Brian went jogging too, the same course we walked. After we came home and took shower and got ready, we went to Home Depot to get a sun block shade for William's window and a shade for our car. William has been getting up early because sun comes up early, and doesn't want to go to bed early because sun is still out at his bed time. We hope this shade will help him sleep better.


In the afternoon, we cleaned the gutter and mow the lawn. And I did laundry too. 


And BBQ hamburgers for dinner tonight. We had teriyaki egg burger. It was pretty good. :)


William is now asleep in his room with the new curtains. Sleep well!

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