
靴が脱げるよ! I Can Take of My Shoes!



I have been making him take off his shoes by himself since he is turning three in a few months (I think he should be able to do it himself). When he did it for the first time, I praised him well, and since then he has been willing to try. He's getting better at it. :)

William has been a good helper, unloading the dishwasher, putting clothes in the dryers, helping out at the grocery store, etc. He is also a good singer and learner and I am proud of him. However, he has been waking up a lot in the middle of the night and I am sooo tired! But it's mostly my fault. I scared him not too long ago telling him that the ghost would come. I guess he can't get that off his mind that he often says "Not coming"both during the day and in the middle of the night. I tell him that it's not coming, but he still gets scared often. Poor guy, it's my fault...

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