
畑デビュー Garden Debut

今日ついに枝豆ちゃん,畑のど真ん中に植えました☆ これから成長がもっと楽しみ♪他の野菜も大きくなってきました。良く見ると黄色いミニトマトの木にもう小さいトマトがなっているんです!

My edamame plant is in our garden now! I planted it in the very center of the garden. Other vegetable plants have been growing as well and if you take a closer look, you see a tiny tomato on the yellow cherry tomato plant. :)


I made some caramel popcorn this afternoon. They are refreshment for Activity Days tomorrow night, but oh my, they are soooo good and very dangerous! You can totally keep eating until they are all gone!


We went to the elementary school nearby for Family Home Evening activity tonight. As we were playing there, we saw two rainbows. That made me happy. :)


Bonus - Brian's coming down the slide. lol

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