
正月2日目 2nd Day of the Year

My exercise program started. I had a break for over a year, and I figured I was totally out of shape and it would be hard to do the same exercise I used to do, so I just did some what's called radio exercise in Japanese. See https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xS92XkVKM0Q
And I did some more easy ones afterwards.

Since Brian was off today, we put our Christmas stuff away. No more tree or decorations. William helped take the ornaments off the tree and put them in the box.

Brian went out to cut the tree in half so that the garbage collecting people could take them tomorrow morning.

One of today's highlights was that I had mochi again. This time isobemaki. https://www.pinterest.com/pin/177962622749606330/ I love them!

Another highlight of the day was that William clogged the toilet. (*_*) Yesterday, he pooed in his underwear, and today he clogged the toilet. PERFECT!! It's definitely going to be a great year!

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